ctmdefine parameters

The following table describes debug, quiet, and input_file parameters. For more details about the parameters (for example, cyclic job parameters) are described in Control-M Parameters.




Provides a logical name for sorting groups of jobs. This parameter is used to supply a common descriptive name to a set of related groups of jobs.


Control‑M/EM user who defined the job. String up to 64 characters. Optional.

NOTE: This argument is used by the Control‑M/Server security mechanism and, under certain circumstances, cannot be modified. For more information, see the Security chapter and the description of the AuthorSecurity system parameter in GUI Server parameters.


The search string from the capture output.


Level of debug messages, 0 to 5. Default: 0 (no debug messages).


If specified, no information messages are displayed during execution of the command.


Name and full path of a file containing parameters for the utility. In this file, each parameter and its values (if any) are on a separate line with the same syntax they would have on the command line. Using the -input_file parameter enables you to:

  • Prepare and save files of utility parameters that can be reused.
  • Specify utility input longer than the number of characters allowed in the command line.

    EXAMPLE: -input_file ~<controlmOwner>/ctm_server/data/ctmdefine_parms.txt



Defines the job capture definitions. This parameter can be used to search the output of a job for specified text and based on the capture parameters, extract words or characters from the output. The destination of the capture is a variable that can be set to any of the following types:

  • local
  • global
  • named pool
  • smart folder


Defines the target variable of the CAPTURE action. Use one of the following variable types to enter the variable name:

  • %%varname - local variable
  • %%\varname - global variable
  • %%\\poolname\varname - named pool
  • %%\\varname - smart folder

Maximum characters in variable name allowed: 38

Maximum characters in pool name allowed: 40

Default: No default, a value must be specified


Defines the string in the output file to begin the capture process.

Maximum characters in string allowed: 64

Default: No default, string must be specified


Defines the number of lines to skip from the search string in the output file.

Maximum skip rows allowed: 99999999

Default: 0


Defines the number of words or characters to skip from the search string in the output file.

Maximum skipwords/skipchars allowed: 99999999

Default: 0


(Only relevant for skipwords) Defines the character type that marks the beginning/end of the string.


  • white space
  • space
  • tab

Default: white space


Defines the string to capture.


  • <number of characters>
  • 0 - indicates until end of line

Maximum take words/characters: 4000

Default: (skipchars) 0

Default: (skipwords) 1



Sends mail when the job run is complete. Optional.

EXAMPLE: DOMAIL urgency="R" destination="emuser@emuser.com" cc="barry@emuser.com" subject="OK" message="Task completed OK."


Recipient of the message. String. Mandatory.


Additional recipient of the message. String. Optional.


Urgency of the message.
Valid values:

  • R (regular - Default)
  • U (urgent)
  • V (very urgent)


Brief text description of the message contents. String. Optional.


Text of the message. String. Mandatory.

attach output

Specifies at the job level whether the OUTPUT should be sent as an email attachment.

Valid values:

  • Y – Yes
  • N – No
  • D – default (this means take the value from the Control-M/Server configuration file)

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