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Creating a Sub Folder using the ctmdefsubfolder utility

This procedure describes how to run the ctmdefsubfolder utility, which enables you to create a definition for a new Sub Folder.

To create a Sub Folder using the utility:

  1. Do one of the following:

    NOTE: You can also run this utility in Control-M Agent by navigating to where Control-M/Agent is installed.

  2. Type the following command:


    -FOLDER <name>

    -SUBAPPLICATION <sub_application name>

    -APPLICATION <applic name>

    [ -ADJUST_COND Y|N ]

    [ -RUN_AS <username> ]

    [ -CREATED BY <username> ]

    [ -DEBUG <debug level 0-5> ]

    [ -QUIET ]

    [ -TIMEZONE <xxx> ]

    [ -TIMEFROM <earliest submission time> ]

    [ -TIMEUNTIL <latest submission time> | '>' ]

    [ -PRIORITY <job priority> ]

    [ -CONFIRM Y|N ]

    [ -APPLTYPE <agent_application> ]

    [ -APPLVER <application version> ]

    [ -CMVER <CM version> ]

    [ -APPLFORM <application form> ]

    [ -DESCRIPTION <string> ]

    [ -DOCMEM <filename> ]

    [ -DOCLIB <directory name> ]

    [ -INCOND <condition> <dateref>|ODAT AND|OR ]

    [ -OUTCOND <condition> <dateref>|ODAT ADD|DEL ]

    [ -VARIABLE <variable name as %%local, %%\global, %%\\smart or %%\\pool\variable> <expression> ]


    <destination> <urgency R|U|V> <message> [<time>] ]

    [ -ON <OK|NOTOK>

    [ -DOOK ]

    [ -DONOTOK ]

    [ -DOSHOUT <destination> <urgency R|U|V> <message> ]

    [ -DOCOND <condname> <dateref>|ODAT ADD|DEL ]

    [ -DOVARIABLE <variable name as %%local, %%\global, %%\\smart or %%\\pool\variable> <expression> ]

    [ -DOFORCEJOB <foldername> <jobname> <odate>|ODAT ]

    [ -DOMAIL <destination> <cc> <urgency R|U|V> <subject> <message> ]

    [ -DOREMEDY <summary> <description> <urgency L|M|H|U|C> ]

    [ -RBC <rule_based_calendar_name|NONE|"*"> ]

    NOTE: You can also Use the following -input_file parameter to run the utility:

    ctmdefsubfolder -input_file <fullPathFileName>

For the Control-M parameter name, see Parameter name cross references. For more details on the ctmdefsubfolder parameters, see ctmdefsubfolder parameters and ctmdefsubfolder syntax rules.

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