Viewing a running job

This example describes how to view a running job that is in Production.

To view a running job:

  1. Click MonitoringIcon.

    The Monitoring domain appears.

  2. Click NewWorkspace.

    A New tab appears. The tab is the Monitoring - Home page.

  3. In the All Viewpoints section, click All Jobs.

    A default Viewpoint appears called All Jobs.

  4. In the Viewpoint tab, Actions group, click Find.

    The Find fields appear on the top of the Flow Diagram in the middle pane.

  5. In the drop-down list next to the Find_compare. icon and the field, select the down arrow.
  6. Clear all the fields except for Job Name.
  7. In the field next to the Find_compare. icon, type of Job Name you defined, and click OK.
  8. To find the job in the field, click Find_compare.

    Your job is viewable.


Parent Topic

Job definition