Defining a job

This example describes how to define a Dummy OS job.

To define a job:

  1. From your desktop, select the Workload Automation icon.
  2. Log in with your user name and password.

    For assistance with logging in, contact your Control-M Administrator.

  3. Select the Planning domain, and click the NewWorkspace tab.

    A New tab appears. The tab is the Planning - Home page.

  4. Select BlankWorkspace.

    A blank Workspace appears with a default name.

  5. To view the job templates, from the Workspace tab, New group, click DownArrow.
  6. Drag and drop the Dummy job template into the Workspace, and select the job.

    The Properties pane for the created job appears on the right.

  7. Edit the job.

    For example, you can change the job name and add a description.

Parent Topic

Job definition