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Set Restart Options

Job steps to be executed during restart of a job.

Additional information





Select Set Restart Options from the Do list box. From and To text boxes and a Confirm check box are displayed. Enter the required information. Select the check box, if required.

These sub-parameters are described below.

Variable Support


Alternate names

  • Control‑M/EM Utilities: DOIFRERUN
  • Control-M Report: (none)
  • Control‑M/Server Utilities: (none)
  • Control‑M for z/OS: DO IFRERUN
  • Control‑M/EM API: do_ifrerun

Alternate formats

Control‑M/EM Utilities

DOIFRERUN is composed of the following sub-parameters:


Valid values:

  • 0 (No confirmation. Default)
  • 1 (Confirm)


First program step in the range. 1-8 character string.


First process step in the range. 1-8 character string.


Last program step in the range. 1-8 character string.


Last process step in the range. 1-8 character string.

Control‑M for z/OS

Set Restart Options is composed of the following sub-parameters:


First program or process step in the range. 1-8 character string.


Last program or process step in the range. 1-8 character string.


Valid values:

  • N (No confirmation. Default)
  • Y (Confirm)



Step at which the job must be restarted. Mandatory.

Valid values:

  • pgmstep – Program step within the job stream.
  • pgmstep.procstep – Program step within the called procedure.
  • $FIRST – First step of the job.
  • $ABEND – Step of the job that ended NOTOK due to system abend, user abend, condition code C2000 (PL/1 abend) or JFAIL (job failed on JCL error). $ABEND is a subset of $EXERR (below).
  • $FIRST.$ABEND – First step of the abended procedure.
  • $FIRST.$CLEANUP – This reserved keyword instructs Control-M to run a Control‑M/Restart data set cleanup for the job. Data set cleanup is performed from the first step of the job. The job itself is not restarted.
  • $EXERR – Job step that ended with any error, including an abend, or that ended with a condition code that is redefined using the On and DO statements as ENDED NOTOK.

    NOTE: For both From and To steps, pgmstep is the name of the step (EXEC statement) that executes the program from which to begin or end the restart:

// pgmstep EXEC PGM= program

procstep is the name of the step (EXEC statement) that invokes the procedure from which the above pgmstep program is executed:

// procstep EXEC procedure

pgmstep and procstep values can each be from 1 through 8 characters, and must not contain blanks.

When specifying a procstep when the procedures are nested, the innermost procstep in which the program is included must be specified.



Step at which the restarted job must terminate. Optional.

Valid values are:

NOTE: Non-English characters are invalid for this sub-parameter.

  • pgmstep – Program step within the job stream
  • pgmstep. procstep – Program step within the called procedure.

If not specified, the restarted job terminates at the last job step that would normally be executed.

NOTE: For both From and To steps, pgmstep is the name of the step (EXEC statement) that executes the program from which to begin or end the restart:

// pgmstep EXEC PGM= program

procstep is the name of the step (EXEC statement) that invokes the procedure from which the above pgmstep program is executed:

// procstep EXEC procedure

pgmstep and procstep values can each be from 1 through 8 characters, and must not contain blanks.

When specifying a procstep when the procedures are nested, the innermost procstep in which the program is included must be specified.


Specifies whether a manual confirmation is required before the job is restarted.

  • When the check box in the Properties pane is clear, no confirmation is required. The job restart can be automatically submitted (by the Do Rerun parameter) without a manual confirmation. Default.
  • When the check box in the Properties pane is selected, confirmation is required. The job restart is not submitted unless the job is confirmed manually from the Control‑M/EM flow diagram.

Non-English characters are invalid for this sub-parameter.

When a Set Restart Options statement is specified, the rerun is performed by the Control‑M/Restart facility using the specified restart sub-parameters.

When a job is submitted for restart, if $FIRST is specified in the From sub-parameter, a $FIRST step specification is passed "as is" to the Control‑M/Restart step. If $ABEND or $EXERR is specified, the specified $ABEND or $EXERR value is first resolved to the appropriate step by the Control-M monitor and then passed to the Control‑M/Restart step.

If $FIRST.$ABEND is specified, the Control-M monitor determines which procedure abended and then passes the $FIRST step specification for that procedure to the CONTROLR step. For information regarding the Control‑M/Restart step, refer to the Control‑M/Restart User Manual.

The Maximum reruns parameter determines the maximum number of times the restart or rerun can be performed.

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On/Do Actions