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Variable functions

A variable function performs an action or process on the specified user variable or job submission variable. Variable functions are used instead of another expression. The following functions are available:

Variable Functions




Adds or subtracts a specified number of days from a specified date. Same as %%CALCDATE, but handles 4-digit years.

%%GETENV <environment variable>

Retrieves the value of an environment variable.


Extracts a substring from a specified string.


%%CALCDATE is a numeric function that adds or subtracts a quantity of days from a given date. This function has the following format:

result=%%CALCDATE date +|-quantity


%%SUBSTR is a string function that is used to extract a substring from within a larger string. This function has the following format:

result=%%SUBSTR variable startpos length

%%GETENV <environment variable>

This function retrieves the value of an environment variable. It has the following format: result=%%GETENV <environment variable>.


%%A resolves to the Control-M/Server user home directory.

Parent Topic

Control-M Variable facility