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User-defined variables

A user-defined variable is created when it is assigned a value using the Variable Assignment parameter or the Do Variable parameter.

There are four types of variables to choose from when adding a variable to your job definition, either when defining a variable assignment or when you set a variable in an on do action:

User variables can also be defined for all jobs in a SMART Folder in the folder properties pane. For more information about assigning a value to a variable, see Variable Expressions.

User-defined variables can be used to

Resolution of each user variable depends on the specified prefix, and the scope of the specified variable. Each of these concepts is described below.


Valid names for user variables are any alphanumeric string (up to 38 characters in length) preceded by a prefix of %%. Blanks are not allowed in a user variable name.

The following characters cannot be included as part of the name of a User-defined variable: < > [ ] { } ( ) = ; ` ~ | : ? . + - * / & ^ # @ ! , " '.

NOTE: Application-specific job parameters may not be specified in variable values. The names of application-specific job parameters are prefixed by two percent signs, the application’s abbreviation and a hyphen (%%SAPR3- for SAP, %%OAP- for Oracle, and so on).

Names and values for User variables are case sensitive. For example, %%TEST and %%Test are regarded as two separate variables.

NOTE: Names of variables in Control‑M for z/OS must always be in uppercase.

Parent Topic

Control-M Variable facility