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Abbreviations and conventions

The following abbreviations are used:




Control‑M/Enterprise Manager

The following conventions are used:




When describing keystrokes, boldface type is used for the name of a key (for example, F1). When two keys are joined with "+" as in Shift+F1, hold down Shift while pressing F1.

Menu => Option

This represents an option selection sequence.

EXAMPLE: Users and Groups => Groups => Add

means that you first select Users and Groups from the menu bar. Select the Groups option from the submenu. Finally, select the Add option from the Groups submenu.

{ } (braces)

Braces indicate that at least one of the enclosed elements is required.

EXAMPLE: {fileName | deviceName| mediaType}

means that you must specify one of the variables.

{Option A|Option B}

The vertical bar is used to separate choices. For example:{AND|OR} means that you specify either AND or OR.


Square brackets are used to enclose parameters that are optional.

Code Samples

Format syntax, operating system terms, examples, and JCL scripts are presented in this typeface.


Messages are presented in this typeface.


In instructions, boldface type highlights information that you enter. File names, directory names and paths, parameter names, and options are also in boldface.

Option Symbol

A vertical bar ( | ) separating items indicates that you must choose one item. In the following example, you would choose a, b, or c:

EXAMPLE: a | b | c

Parent Topic

Introduction to parameters