Inserting functions into a template

This procedure describes how to insert functions into a job template that get resolved when the template is used to create job processing definitions.

When using a template to create many jobs beginning with the same name, you can add a counter function after the name prefix in the template’s Job Name field to ensure that each job is created with a unique name.

To insert functions into a template:

  1. Create a job template, as described in Creating a job template.
  2. For each field that you want to insert a function, type the name of the function, as described in Template functions:
    1. To use the value from another field, type {Field Name}.
    2. To insert a counter, type {Counter}.
    3. To insert a substring, type {Substr}.
    4. To add or subtract a value to a numeric function, type {+} or {-}, the source of the value, and the quantity to add or subtract.


    The template requires the following values in jobs (along with other values not included in the example):

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