Control-M/EM Database Maintenance menu options

The following table describes the options in the Database Maintenance Menu for Control-M/EM.

Menu option


Export Database

Extracts the contents of the Control‑M/EM database to a compressed flat file or tape.

Import Database

Restores the Control‑M/EM database from a file or tape created using the Export Database option.

Stop all Control‑M/EM components before performing this operation.


Displays the Export/Import Default Parameters menu that enables you to customize the parameters used for the Export Database and Import Database options.

Stop all Control‑M/EM components before performing this operation.

Database Size

Enlarges the data portion of the Control‑M/EM database. Depending on the type of database server installed, this option runs the db_extend_oracle utility. When the utility runs, you may be prompted for the following data:

  • Password for the sa or SYSTEM user.
  • Oracle: Name of the existing device you want to extend.
  • Size in MB of the additional space to allocate.
  • Full path for the device.
  • Size (in MB) to which you want to extend the device.

Erase Old Nets

Erases an old network.

Erase Audit Data

Erases audit records that were stored in the database.

Erase Exception Alerts

Erases exception alerts that were stored in the Control-M/EM database.

Parent Topic

Database operation and maintenance