response_poll_order_force XML parameters

The following table describes response_poll_order_force XML parameters:




Describes the condition of the element that contains it (such as Error). String.


A sequence of job, which includes the following parameters:

  • Status
  • error_list
  • error_list attribute
  • Job_data: An element that contains other parameters that describe the job. A sequence of job_data, which contains the following parameters:
  • rba: Relative block address. String
  • order_id: Serial number assigned to the job by Control‑M Workload Automation installation. String.
  • file_name: Name of the file that contains the job script. String.
  • job_name: Name of the job. String.
  • is_folder: Indicates whether the job is a member of a SMART Folder. Valid values: no (not a member of a SMART Folder) or yes (member of a SMART Folder)
  • ret_text: Text describing the job run. String.


A sequence of error. See Fault Response.

error_list attribute


Indicates the severity level of the most critical error included in the error list. If only one error is included, the severity for that error is displayed. String.

For an example of a polling response, see Order XML parameters examples.

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