param XML parameters

The following table describes param XML parameters:




Defines the name of the table definition parameter used as a search criteria. String. Mandatory. The valid values for the name parameter are as follows:

  • APPLICATION: Name of the application to which the job’s group belongs.
  • GROUP_NAME: Name of the group to which the job belongs
  • FILE_NAME: Name of the file that contains the job script
  • JOB_NAME: Name of the job
  • DESCRIPTION: Description of the job
  • CREATED BY: Control‑M/EM user who defined the job. This argument is used by the Control‑M security mechanism and under certain circumstances, cannot be modified. See AuthorSecurity parameters in GUI Server parameters.
  • HOST_ID: Host ID of the host on which the job was most recently run (not for MVS jobs).
  • FILE_PATH: Name of the path the contains the job script file.

For more information see General parameters.


Defines the operator used in search criteria. String.

Valid values:

  • EQ
  • NE
  • LT
  • GT
  • LIKE


Defines the value used in search criteria. Any valid value of a job parameter. Wildcards and search patterns can be used in combination with LIKE operator. String. Mandatory.

NOTE: At least one param element should appear under a search_criterion element. The amount of param elements is unbounded. The relationship between param elements in the same search_criterion is AND. String

Parent Topic

request_def_delete_jobs XML parameters