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Introduction to Control-M/EM API

Control‑M/Enterprise Manager (Control-M/EM) API is an open interface for external applications that enables you to use the capabilities of Control‑M. It is a set of Java classes that allows you to send requests from your own applications to the Control-M. Installation includes a sample GUI client, which you can use to familiarize with the API before you develop your own custom client applications. It enables you to use Control-M/EM API, submit requests and get the responses. See Running sample GUI client.

Control‑M/EM API enables users of your application to perform various functions in the Control‑M Business Integrated Scheduling environment, such as creating jobs and SMART Folders in Control‑M Active Jobs, ordering jobs and SMART folders, performing job actions and changing Alert status. For practical examples, see Control-M/EM API flowchart.

The following topics describe how to install, upgrade and uninstall Control-M/EM-API, send requests and receive responses from Control-M/EM, and error codes and exceptions.