Advanced Search parameters

The following table describes Advanced Search parameters that are used in Searching for archive data in Control-M and Searching for archive data in Control-M Self Service.



Job Name

Defines the name of the job processing definition and appears in the job definition and tracking displays, and enables you to identify the job, and order the job.


Searches for jobs during one of the following periods:

  • All
  • Last Week
  • Last Month
  • Last Year
  • Between Dates (Dates From -Dates To)

Output Contains

Defines a string to search for in job outputs.

You must define the Job Name or Application fields to search this field.

Log Contains

Defines a string to search for in the job logs.

You must define the Job Name or Application fields to search this field.

Control-M Server

Defines the name of the Control-M/Server (or Control-M for z/OS) that processes the job.


Provides a logical name for sorting groups of jobs. This parameter is used to supply a common descriptive name to a set of related job groups. The jobs do not necessarily have to run at the same time.

Sub Application

Indicates the name of the Sub Application where the job belongs logically. It is a sub-category of the Application parameter. For example, the Application is Finances, and the Sub Application is Payroll.


Defines the name of the folder. In the Properties pane, this parameter indicates the folder where the job belongs.


Defines the name of the library. In z/OS, this parameter indicates where the job belongs.

Member Name/File Name

Indicates the name of the file that contains the job script, or for z/OS jobs, the name of a member that contains one of the following in relation to the job to be executed:

  • The JCL of the job
  • The started task procedure
  • Warning messages

Member Library/File Path

For non-z/OS jobs, File Path indicates the location of the file that contains the script. For z/OS jobs, Member Library indicates the location of the Member that contains the JCL, started task procedure, or Warning message.


Defines the name of a Control-M/Agent computer, remote host computer, or host group where the job is submitted.

Host Group

Defines the name of a Control-M/Agent computer, remote host computer, or host group where the job is submitted.

Run as

Identifies the user name with the authorization to execute the job. This parameter is used by the Control-M security mechanism.

Order ID

Searches for jobs with a specific Order ID.

Job Status

Determines whether to search for jobs that Ended OK, Not OK, or both.

Order Date From-To

Searches for jobs that were ordered between a defined period.

Job Type

Determines which job types are used to search for archived data, such as OS, or specific Application Plug-ins

Field Name

Determines which fields of a specific job type are used to search for archived data


Defines the value of the Field of the specific job type

Parent Topic

Control-M Workload Archiving