The following table describes the general parameters for a Tandem job:
Parameter |
Description |
Defines the type of job that determines which fields are exposed in a job definition. The value of the job type is usually based on the platform for the job run. Jobs defined as Dummy provide instructions for Control-M such as post-processing actions. Value: Tandem |
Defines the name of the job processing definition and appears in the job definition and tracking displays, and enables you to identify the job, and order the job. |
Provides a description of the job in free text. A well written description can help you determine why the job was defined and how it fits into your business workflow. |
Enables you to run jobs of job types other than Dummy, as dummy jobs. |
Identifies the user name with the authorization to execute the job. This parameter is used by the Control-M security mechanism. |
Name |
Defines the name of the process. It must begin with $ followed by an alphabetic character. Each remaining character must be alphanumeric. Maximum 6 characters (including the $ sign). |
Defines one or more parameters which determines what the job runs. |
What to run |
Determines whether the job runs as one of the following:
TACL Script |
Defines the name of the TACL file. |
Program |
Defines the name of the program to execute. |
Volume Subvolume |
Defines the Volume and sub volume where the TACL script or Program resides. |
Overriding volume |
Defines the Volume and sub volume where the overriding TACL script or Program resides. |
Home terminal |
Specifies a valid device name. |
Specifies the CPU number (0-15) in which the process runs on. |
Priority |
Specifies the priority in which the process runs under. |
Enables you to assign job environmental attributes, such as name and other attributes (for example access mode and exclusion mode). |
Enables you to set environmental variables for your applications. |
Enables you to set the name and value of your program to use these parameters when creating a job. |
Input File |
Specifies the full name of the input file. |
Output file |
Specifies the full filename of the output file (which is overwritten if it exists already). |
Skip Validity Checks for this job |
Determines whether validity checks are performed against any of the Tandem related job attributes. |
Bypass job (skip execution) |
Determines whether the job submits to the Tandem operating system. Instead, the job completes OK and for the job a dummy OUTPUT is created. |
This process should be created in a no wait manner |
Determines whether the job creates in a nowait manner. This means the parent process does not wait for acknowledgment that the process was created. |
Produce CTMRJOB diagnostics |
Determines whether the CTMRJOB diagnostics are turned on for this specific job, overriding the value specified by the GUARDIAN configuration parameter CTMRJOB_DIAG. |
Creation option |
Defines information about the environment of the new process. Valid values 0-127. See PROCESS_CREATE_API in the HP NonStop Guardian Procedure Calls. Field Name: CREATE_OPTION. |
Set mode option |
Defines the SETMODE command to be issued for the created process. See SETMODE API in the HP NonStop Guardian Procedure Calls. Field Name: SETMODE <function><Param1><Param2> |
Job id |
Defines an integer (job ID) that specifies the job to be created. See Run Command in the HP NonStop TACL Commands and Functions. Set to GEN to instruct Control-M to generate a unique Job ID. |
Detect Spawned jobs |
Determines whether to detect child jobs spawned by this job. NOTE: This option is available only when Job ID is specified. |
Swap file for data |
Enables you to use the parameter for informational purposes only. See Run Command in the HP NonStop TACL Commands and Functions. Field Name: SWAP |
Swap for extended data |
Enables you to allocate swap space for the default extended segment of the process. See Run Command in the HP NonStop TACL Commands and Functions. Field Name: EXT_SWAP |
Memory pages |
Specifies the initial number of memory pages in which the process is created. |
Debug attribute |
Enables you to set the debugging attributes for the new process. Valid values: 0-15. See PROCESS_CREATE_API in the HP NonStop Guardian Procedure Calls. |
Parent Topic |