Creating an SSH key

This procedure describes how to create an SSH key which enables you to create SSH keys for remote hosts.

To create an SSH key:

  1. From the Tools menu, select Security >Manage Agentless SSH Keys.

    The Manage Agentless SSH Keys window appears.

  2. Click Add.

    The Create SSH Key window appears.

  3. In the Key Name field, type the name for the key.
  4. In the Key Passphrase section, do the following:
    1. In the Passphrase field, type the password for the key file.
    2. In the Confirm Passphrase field, re-type the password to confirm.
  5. In the Key generation parameters section, do the following:
    1. In the Format of key to generate field, select the format of the SSH key to generate.
    2. In the Type of key to generate field, select the type of the SSH key to generate.
    3. From the Number of bits in generated key drop-down list, select the number of bits.

      Generated keys defined with larger bits provides enhanced security.

  6. Click Save.

    A message appears asking if you wish to save the public key locally.

  7. Click Yes.
  8. Select the filename and location for the public key, which can be later distributed to the SSH server.

    Private keys are generated and saved in the Control-M/Server database computer. Public keys are generated and saved in the Control-M/Server computer in the following location:


    After the public keys have been saved, copy them to the SSH server.

Parent Topic

Agentless SSH key management