Defines the node in the JES network where the job executes.
NOTE: This field is relevant only for z/OS jobs
Additional information |
Description |
Usage |
Optional |
Length |
1-8 characters |
Case Sensitive |
No |
Invalid Characters |
Blanks; non-English characters |
Variable Name |
None |
Alternate names |
The Request NJE Node parameter is used to specify the node in the JES network on which the job is to execute.
If a value is specified for the Request NJE Node parameter, a JCL statement is generated. The precise form of the statement depends on whether Control-M is running under JES2 or JES3.
NOTE: If a value is specified for the Request NJE Node parameter, it does not override any node name specified in the job statement unless the OVERJCLM parameter in the CTMPARM library is set to Y
Under JES2
If Control-M is running under JES2, the Request NJE parameter generates the following JCL statement:
/*ROUTE XEQ node_name
Under JES3
If Control-M is running under JES3, the JCL statement generated by the Request NJE parameter differs slightly, taking the following form:
//*ROUTE XEQ node_name
The following values are entered to the job processing definition:
The following statement is added to the JCL of the job:
The job is executed at node OS35.
The following values are entered to the job processing definition:
EXAMPLE: The following statement is added to the JCL of the job:
The job is executed at node OS35.
Parent Topic |