Determines the order of job processing by Control-M in the Active Jobs database.
Additional information |
Description |
Usage |
Optional |
Format |
2 alphanumeric characters |
Default |
Blank, which is the lowest priority |
Case Sensitive |
No |
Invalid Characters |
Single quotation marks; non-English characters |
Alternate Names |
Computer specific information |
z/OS |
A job may be so important that lower priority jobs must not be submitted until the important job has executed. Such a job is called a critical path job. If the first character of Priority in z/OS jobs is set to * (Asterisk), the job is marked as a critical path job. There is no relationship between the Critical parameter and the Priority parameter. |
Active Jobs database prioritizing processing:
AA-A9...ZA-Z9, 0A-0Z, 01-09, 1A-19...9A-99
If a job that waits to be submitted (quantitative resources are not available), has a higher priority than a job that has all the quantitative resources available, the lower priority is submitted. However, by defining a job as critical, the user can force Control-M to reserve resources for the job, which ensures that it is submitted as soon as possible.For more information, see Critical.
Consult your Administrator for more information about the priority usage standards.
Parent Topic |