Determines the maximum number of reruns that can be performed for the job.
Additional information |
Description |
Usage |
Optional |
Length |
An integer from 0 through 99. z/OS: There is a difference between cyclic jobs and regular jobs:
Default |
0 |
Variable Name |
None |
Alternate names |
Computer specific information |
z/OS |
When a job is first run, the Maximum reruns field in the Active Jobs database, that is, in the Zoom screen, contains the same value as the Maximum reruns parameter in the job scheduling definition. However, in the Active Jobs Database Maximum reruns works as a "reverse-counter" of automatic reruns. Each time the job is automatically rerun, the value is decreased by one until the field contains a value of zero. |
EXAMPLE: When MAXRERUN is set to 1 the RUNCOUNT will have a value of 2 before the job stops executing.
When the job’s completion status is set to Rerun using the Rerun Job parameter, Control‑M checks the number of reruns specified in the Maximum reruns parameter. If the number in the Maximum reruns parameter is greater than the number of reruns that have already been performed for the job, a rerun (automatic rerun) process is performed for the job.
When a job is assigned Rerun status, the job is not rerun if either
Control‑M waits at least the number of minutes specified by the Interval parameter before it attempts the next rerun of the job.
The job is re-submitted after
A rerun counter is displayed on the Monitoring domain of the job properties pane, indicating how many times the job has been rerun from the current job order.
The automatic rerun process works as follows:
Maximum reruns applies only to automatic reruns. The Maximum reruns counter is not affected by reruns performed manually using the Rerun option in the Control‑M for z/OS Active Jobs database screen.
If a job is defined as cyclic or it is defined as a Cyclic SMART Folder, the Maximum reruns parameter can be used to specify the number of iterations. This number excludes the initial run of the job/Cyclic SMART Folder.
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