Actions parameters are used to describe actions to be performed if the job is not submitted, actions to be performed after the job has finished executing, handling of the job’s log (Output), notification messages to various users, and rerun conditions. Based on the job’s execution status codes, Control‑M automatically assigns the following completion status:
Steps parameters can also be defined for SMART folders.
Post-processing of a SMART folder occurs when the last job in the SMART folder ends. A SMART folder may become active again after the post-processing has been completed, if one or more jobs are rerun, or if a new job is added to the SMART folder and submitted. In this case, when the last job in the SMART folder ends again, the completion status of the SMART folder is rechecked and the appropriate post-processing actions are performed.
For more information about SMART folders, see Job definition in Control-M .
Parameter |
Description |
Determines whether SYSDATA (job output) must be archived. |
Adds Control‑M/Analyzer steps as the first and/or last step of the job’s execution. |
Automatic interventions, such as rerunning a job or ordering a remedial job, if a job ends with a particular error code. |
Code values can be condition codes, user abend codes, system abend codes, various end codes and statuses, and certain keywords. They can also be prefaced by certain qualifiers. |
Specifies prerequisite conditions to be added or deleted after the job completes. |
Indicates how the job’s log file (Output) should be handled after the job ends with a status of OK. |
Determines the number of days to retain the job in the History Jobs file. For z/OS jobs only. |
Maximum number of generations of the job to keep in the History Jobs file. For z/OS jobs, only. |
Specifies a range of steps in the steps of an On PGMST statement. |
The Pre-Notifications parameter gives you the ability to create a message that is sent to one or more specified destinations when certain conditions are encountered. |
Sends a notification if a job terminates with a completion status of OK or NOTOK. |