Defining the Control-M/Agent debug level

This procedure describes how to define the Control-M/Agent debug level, which enables you to adjust debug levels to view in the log.

To define the Control-M/Agent debug level:

  1. From the CCM component list, select the Control-M/Agent component.
  2. Right-click on the component and select Control-M/Agent Debug.

    The Control-M/Agent Debug window appears.

  3. From the Control-M/Server drop-down list, select the required Control-M/Server.
  4. From the Control-M/Agent drop-down list, select the required Control-M/Agent.
  5. From the Diagnostic Level drop-down list, select the debug level.

    Valid values range from 0 to 4, where 0 indicates no diagnostic activity, and 4 indicates the highest level of diagnostic functionality.

  6. From the Communication Trace drop-down list, select the debug level.

    Valid values range from 0 to 1, where 0 indicates no communication trace, and 1 activates the communication trace.

  7. Click OK.

    The debug levels for Control-M/Agent are set.

Parent Topic

Debug levels