The following table describes Valid name parameter values:
Parameter |
Description |
order_id |
(Mandatory) Defines the Order ID of the job to be retrieved. String. |
data_center |
Defines the data center to which the job belongs |
Defines the application name to which the job’s group belongs |
appl_type |
Defines the external application on which the job runs |
Defines the group name to which the job belongs |
Indicates the name of the file that contains the job script, or for z/OS jobs, the name of a member that contains one of the following in relation to the job to be executed:
Defines the job name |
Defines one or more parameters which determines what the job runs. Valid values: Microsoft Windows and UNIX:
Control‑M for z/OS:
Determines whether the job is a critical-path job in Control-M, which ensures resources allocation order. |
Indicates that the job must run at a designated time, interval of time.If selected, indicates that the current job is cyclic (it should be rerun at specified intervals). |
Determines whether the z/OS job is an Emergency job. |
part_of_BIM_service |
Indicates if the job is included in a Business Service. |
status |
Indicates the job execution status. |
ended |
Indicates that the job ended. Valid values are:
Indicates that the job ended unsuccessfully. Valid values are:
Indicates that the job ended successfully. Valid values are:
late |
Indicates that the job ended late. Valid values are:
held |
Indicates that the job was held. Valid values are:
delete_flag |
Indicates that the job was deleted. Valid values are:
requested |
Indicates that the job was requested. Valid values are:
Identifies the user name with the authorization to execute the job. This parameter is used by the Control-M security mechanism. |
Defines the name of a Control-M/Agent computer, remote host computer, or host group where the job is submitted. |
Provides a description of the job in free text. A well written description can help you determine why the job was defined and how it fits into your business workflow. |
order_date |
Defines the job order date |
Indicates the average runtime of the job |
Refers to the start time of the job |
Refers to the end time of the job |
Incond Name |
Defines the name of the in-condition |
Incond Date |
Defines the date of the in-condition |
Outcond Name |
Defines the name of the out-condition |
Outcond Date |
Defines the date of the out-condition |
Quant Res |
Defines the name of the quantitative resource |
Control Res |
Defines the name of the control resource |
Defines the relative block address (RBA). String. |
Parent Topic |