This procedure describes how to use the Domain Configuration (orbconfigure) wizard to configure Control-M/EM CORBA components.
CORBA clients obtain IORs to invoke requests on object references. The IOR contains endpoint information, that is, the host and port number at which the server listens for requests. The host can be encoded either in dotted-decimal notation (such as or as a host name (such as By default, the hostname published in the IOR is the default hostname returned by system call gethostbyaddr().
To configure CORBA components:
From a command line, type one of the following:
UNIX: orbconfigure
Windows: orbconfigure.vbs
The Domain Configuration window appears.
From the Domain Name drop-down list, select an existing domain or create a new one.
In the Listening Address drop-down list, select one of the following hostname addresses:
All: All CORBA servers listen on all available network interfaces. This policy is the default and is recommended for computers with multiple network adapters.
IP address: Select the IP address from the drop down list.
Short hostname: The value appears in a read-only text box.
Other: Defines the host/address in the adjacent text box.
In the Published Address drop-down list, select one of the following object address types:
Default (hostname)
IP address
Short hostname: The value appears in a read only textbox.
To enable one port to be used for communication in both directions, select the Bidirectional IIOP (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol) check box.
If you use bidirectional IIOP, the client or server must also use this policy.
If you are using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol instead of TCP/IP, select the SSL check box.
To use an internal TAO configuration file to change the default behavior of TAO, select the Use TAO internal configuration file check box and select the full path and name of the (client-server) svc.conf file.
The default configuration file is called client_server.conf and is in the ctm_em/etc directory.
From the Setup Listen Ports drop-down list, select one of the following:
Random: This is the default value and is recommended if the components are not behind a firewall. The operating system selects an available port automatically.
Range: Sets the values that is for all components that are behind a firewall.
Ensure that the range of ports is open in the firewall to permit the components to communicate.Check that components were not active when you assigned their ports. If components were active, stop and restart the components for changes to take effect.
Click Next.
The Naming Service window appears.
Do the following:
In the Host field, define the name or IP address of the computer running the CORBA Naming Service.
In the Port field, define the listening port of the Naming Service.
To check if communication with the CORBA Naming Service is enabled, click Test.
To display and modify the local Naming Service settings, click Show local settings and do one of the following:
To save settings in repository files, click Repository files path and define an existing Repository file directory. The default path is ctm_em/var.
To save the settings in TAO internal configuration files, choose Use TAO internal configuration file, you must define the configuration file to be used.
Click Next.
The Summary window appears.
If you want to install the Naming Service as a Windows service, select the Install as Windows service checkbox and click Finish.