Control_M/Server runs the New Day procedure at the same time each day. This procedure includes scheduling the day’s Automatic jobs and running maintenance and cleanup utilities, such as deleting the old jobs from the previous day.
To handle job automation, the New Day procedure utilizes Specific User Daily jobs defined for the jobs in a folder. The sole purpose of the jobs is to order jobs. Instead of directly scheduling production jobs, the New Day procedure can schedule the Specific User Daily jobs. For more information on setting up Order Method to Automatic or Specific User Daily, see Editing a folder and Defining a Specific User Daily job.
EXAMPLE: New Day time is at 5:00 a.m., but 10,000 jobs are not needed until 12:00, another 20,000 jobs are not needed until 3:00 p.m., another 30,000 jobs are not needed until 8:00 p.m.
Instead of all those jobs being scheduled by the New Day procedure at New Day time, the New Day procedure can schedule three specific User Daily jobs, defined as follows, at New Day time:
The Specific User Daily jobs provide an additional advantage. The Control-M administrator is responsible for the New Day procedure, but a site can allow different departments to be responsible for their own Specific User Daily jobs.
On a regular clock, one day ends and a new day begins at midnight. However, you can set the New Day time according to your site’s actual business processing Working Day. For example, if New Day time is 6:00 a.m., then from 6:00 a.m. on August 4th, until 6:00 a.m. on August 5th, the Working Day is August 4th. The date that a job is scheduled in Control-M is called the Original Scheduling Date (abbreviated Order date) and it conforms to the Working Days, not midnight to midnight calendar days.
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