This solution provides an alternate method for use with the Control‑M/EM API. If you implement this solution, use this method at all times.
To solve the problem:
If the Control‑M/EM API root directory is ctm_em/path with space/emapi-800, use the following commands to create the alias:
cd ctm_em
ln -s "path with space" pathwithoutspace
cd ctm_em/pathwithoutspace/emapi-800
Reconfigure the Control‑M/EM API to reflect the new path.
Open a new command prompt window.
Change the directory to the Control‑M/EM API root directory, referring to the directory by using the 8.3-format version of its name.
If the Control‑M/EM API root directory is d:\Program Files\BMC Software\emapi-800, use the following command:
cd progra~1\bmcsof~1\emapi-800
Reconfigure the Control‑M/EM API to reflect the new path.
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