This procedure describes how to install Control-M/EM API on Windows and UNIX.
Due to Java limitations, BMC Software recommends that you do not install Control-M/EM API in a directory with a path that contains spaces or other special characters. If you install Control‑M/EM API on an account where an earlier version of Control-M/EM API is installed, see Control-M/EM API upgrade before continuing.
Before you begin
Ensure the following is installed:
The JAVA_HOME environment refers to the directory where the JRE is installed. The JDK contains the JRE, but at a different level in the file hierarchy. For example, if the Java 2 SDK or JRE was installed in /ctm_em/user1, JAVA_HOME would be either:/ctm_em/user1/jdk1.6.x/jre [JDK] or /ctm_em/user1/jre1.6.x [JRE].
To Install Control-M/EM API:
uncompress -c cdPath/TOOLS/EMAPI_FILES/emapi-800-UNIX.TAR.Z | tar xvf
gunzip -c cdPath/TOOLS/EMAPI_FILES/emapi-800-UNIX.TAR.gz | tar xvf-
All Control-M/EM API files and sub-directories are located in this directory. See: Control-M/EM API primary subdirectories.
To uninstall Control‑M/EM, delete the Control‑M/EM API directory according to your version. For example, for version 8.0.00 delete the emapi-800 directory. Do not copy the Control‑M/EM API version 8.0.00 files directly over the previous installation This may cause unpredictable behavior.
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