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Setting the virtual host name

If Control-M/Server is already installed on the shared disk, change the Local IP Host Interface Name to the virtual host name in ctm_menu.

  1. From ctm_menu select option 5 - Parameter Customization.
  2. In the sub-menu, select option 1 - Basic Communication and Operational Parameters.
  3. In the next sub-menu, select option 1 - Local IP Host Interface Name.
  4. Enter the cluster virtual name.

These changes will set the OS_PRM_HOSTNAME parameter of the Control‑M/Server configuration file (${HOME}/ctm_server/data/config.dat), to the virtual host name as the parameter value. The changes are not necessary if environment variable BMC_HOST_INSTALL was set to value of virtual host name prior to Control‑M/Server installation

This change will not take effect until Control‑M/Server is restarted.

Parent Topic

Setting up the Control-M/Server UNIX cluster environment