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Microsoft SQL (MSSQL) Server 2005 and 2008

If you are working with MSSQL 2005, it must be the enterprise edition. If during installation you see that the Virtual Server option in the Computer Name window is disabled, this means that the enterprise edition is not present.

When MSSQL is installed on a cluster, the software binaries of the product are placed on the local drives of each one of the selected nodes and the data files are placed on the assigned disk resource on the shared drive.

The MSSQL Server services (one service is created on each cluster node) are named by default as the virtual server name. When the MSSQL resource group is moved from one node to another, the MSSQL services are stopped on the original (primary) node and started on the alternate node.

In addition to the MSSQL services resources, installation of MSSQL Server on a Windows cluster automatically creates the network name and IP address resources in the selected resource group. At that point, the MSSQL resource group becomes a virtual server and can be accessed by client applications using the virtual name.

For more information about MSSQL Server on Windows, see:

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