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Create Control-M/EM Configuration Agent cluster resource

Control-M/EM Configuration Agent cluster resources must be defined manually after installation of Control-M/EM had been completed.

If the Control-M/EM Configuration Agent is activated, you must change the status of all Control-M/EM components to Ignore in the Control-M Configuration Manager.

To create the Control-M/EM Configuration Agent cluster resource

  1. Ensure that the BMC_EM_PROFILE_NAME environment variable has the cluster virtual name as its value.

    This value will be used as the logical name in the Running on and Component areas for all Control-M/EM server components you want to manage as a single group using Control-M/EM Configuration Agent.

  2. Using the Control-M Configuration Manager, define each of the Control-M/EM server components using the logical name assigned to BMC_EM_PROFILE_NAME.
  3. Define the "desired state" of each of the Control-M/EM server components to ignored.
  4. Create Control-M/EM Configuration Agent cluster resource, as described in the following table:

    Resource attribute




    Control-M-EM ConfigAgent

    Resource type

    generic service



    Command line


    Current directory


    Pending timeout in seconds



    Network Name resource

Parent Topic

Control-M/EM cluster configuration