Control-M/EM components can be monitored by the Control-M/EM Configuration Agent or by the cluster.
If the components are monitored by the cluster, use the process names for the cluster monitoring definitions as specified in the following table:
Control-M/EM component |
Process name |
GUI Server |
emguisrv |
Gateway |
emgtw -dc dcName |
Global Condition Server (GCS) |
emgcsrv |
Control-M/EM Configuration Agent |
emmaintag |
TAO Naming Service |
Naming_Service -p ${EM_HOME}/var/ |
BMC Batch Impact Manager Server |
embimsrv |
Control-M/Forecast |
emforecastsrv |
Batch Discovery |
embatchdiscovery |
Control-M Self Service Server |
emselfservicesrv |
Control-M Configuration Manager |
emcms |
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