The database server and Control-M Workload Archiving must be running at all times on the initial Control-M Workload Archiving installation. BMC Software recommends that they be started at system startup time.
You can modify the startup procedure to ensure that the database server and Control-M Workload Archiving are started during system startup.
The following commands must be executed as the root user.
Depending on your operating system, modify the automatic startup procedure as described in the following table:
Operating system |
Startup procedure |
Example |
cp <archiveHome>/archive/data/rc.<archiveUser> /etc/ Open the /etc/inittab file in an editor, and append the following line at the end of the file. <archiveUser>:2:once:/etc/rc.<archiveUser> |
For a user called archiveuser, specify the following command: |
Oracle Solaris |
cp /home/archiveuser/archive/data/rc.<archiveuser> /etc/init.d/<archiveuser> ln -s /etc/init.d/<archiveuser>/etc/rc2.d/S98<archiveuser> |
cp /home/archiveuser/archive/data/rc.archiveuser /etc/init.d/archiveuser ln -s /etc/init.d/archiveuser /etc/rc2.d/S98archiveuser |
RedHat Linux |
cp <archiveHome>/archive/data/rc.<archiveUser> /etc/rc.d/<archiveUser> ln -s /etc/rc.d<archiveUser> /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S98<archiveUser> |
cp /home/archiveuser/archive/data/rc.archiveuser/etc/rc.d/archiveuser ln -s/etc/rc.d/archiveuser/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S98archiveuser |
SUSE Linux |
Copy /home/<archiveuser>/archive/data/archive_srv to /etc/init.d insserv archive_srv |
Cp/home/arc800/archive/data/archive_srv /etc/init.d insserv archive_srv |
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