BMC does not recommend editing the Windows registry unless you have experience working with the registry and you back up the registry before proceeding.
For example, on Microsoft Windows platforms, in the password Registry key, change
for Control-M/EM:
"\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bmc Software\CONTROL-M/Server\CONTROL-M/EM\SecurityPolicy\site\{client|server|keystore}"
\Program Files\BMC Software\CONTROL-M EM 7.0.00\Ini\local\tree.bin"
for Control-M/Server:
"\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bmc Software\CONTROL-M/Server\ SecurityPol\-icy\site\{client|server|keystore}
\Program Files\BMC Software\CONTROL-M Server\Ctm\DATA\SSL\Cert\tree.bin"
for Control--M/Agent:
"\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bmc Software\CONTROL-M/Server\ SecurityPol\-icy\site\{client|server|keystore}"
\Program Files\BMC Software\CONTROL-M Agent\Agent_installation\DATA\SSL
and in the client, server, and common Windows Registry hives:
"\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bmc Software\CONTROL-M/Server\ SecurityPol\-icy\site\{client|server|keystore}"
For more information, see:
To use your own encrypted password for Control-M/Server for the ctmkey.jks
The password that was used for creating the ctmkey.jks should be encrypted and saved in the following file:
<Control-M Server Home dir/ctm_server/data/SSL/cert/>
To encrypt this password, run the change_pass utility as follows:
<Control-M Home dir>/change_pass <Control-M Server Home dir/ctm_server/data/SSL/cert/>
The change_pass utility accepts a keytool password, encrypts it and updates the following file:
<Control-M Server Home dir/ctm_server/data/SSL/cert/>
To export a key pair
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