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Configuring BMC Batch Impact Manager

BMC Batch Impact Manager is provided with bim_ssl.ear or bim_ssl.war files, which are configured with a default SSL certificate.

To deploy the BMC Batch Impact Manager web client using the default SSL certificate, start with step of the following procedure.

Start with step 1 of the following procedure only when:

To configure BMC Batch Impact Manager:

  1. To configure the BMC Batch Impact Manager Web Application for use with customized SSL key, password or IBM JDK, run the configmanager utility:
    1. Navigate to the BMC Batch Impact Manager root directory:
      • UNIX: cd <Control-M/EM_directory>/APPL/BIM/WEBAPP
      • Windows: cd <Control-M/EM_directory>\bim

    All paths for the computers to which you deploy must be absolute paths (not relative). Use the slash (/) instead of the backslash (\) when specifying paths, because this symbol works on all platforms.

    1. Run the utility:

      (UNIX) sh <arguments>
      (Windows) bim_configmanager.bat <arguments>

      A list of arguments is provided in the following table. Examples are provided below.

    Arguments for the configmanager utility


    Description and values

    -SSLJSSEplatform <SUN|IBM>

    Platform of the JDK. Mandatory. Valid values:

    • SUN: Default
    • IBM: For web servers such as WebSphere

    -SSLkeystorepassword <password>

    Password for opening the keystore. Optional.



    Encryption mode for the password. Optional. Valid

    values are:

    • on: Password is encrypted.
    • off: Password is not encrypted. Default.


    Full path to new keystore. Optional.


    Naming service host. Optional.


    Naming service port. Optional.


    Full path to the BMC Batch Impact Manager Web

    Application installation directory. Mandatory. Valid

    values are:

    • Windows:


    • UNIX:



    Verbose output

    If the SSL arguments are not included when running the utility, the SSL deployment files will not be created.

  2. When the utility finishes, use the newly-created bim_ssl.ear and bim_ssl.war files to deploy.
  3. Follow the instructions provided with your web application server.

    The Web Application installation and deployment is now complete.

Parent Topic

Configuring Control-M components to use SSL