Configuring Control-M/EM communication with Control-M/Server to use SSL (unmanaged Control-M instances)

The following procedure describes how to configure Control-M/EM communication with Control-M/Server to use SSL (unmanaged Control-M instances).

To configure SSL for unmanaged Control-M instances:

  1. Log in to Control-M Configuration Manager.
  2. Use the left panel of the Configuration Manager window to select a Server definition:
    1. At the bottom of the panel, select the By Computer tab.
    2. Expand the Control-M/Server node of the All Components tree.
    3. Select the Control-M/Server definition you want to configure.

      The components of the selected definition are displayed in the right panel of the window.

  3. Double-click the line displaying the Control-M/Server definition component you want to configure.

    The Control-M Definition window is displayed.

  4. In the Protocol field of the definition window, select SSL_ENABLE or TCP, and click OK.
  5. Use the Control-M Configuration Manager to stop and restart the Control-M/EM Gateway to implement the change.

    For more information about the Control-M Configuration Manager, see Administration.

At startup, the Gateway tries to communicate with the Server using TCP/IP protocol. If the Server does not respond during the synchronization interval (90 seconds by default), the Gateway automatically changes its protocol to SSL and tries to communicate by using the SSL protocol.

Parent Topic

Configuring Control-M/Server and Control-M/Agent