Configuring a Control-M/Agent to use SSL

For each Control-M/Agent on which you want to configure SSL, complete the appropriate procedure:


Do this

Control-M/Agent for UNIX

In the agent_home/ctm/data/CONFIG.dat file, set COM\-MOPT to SSL=Y.

Control-M/Agent for Microsoft Windows (version 6.4.01 and later)

Run the ctmagcfg utility, select option 7 (Advanced Parame\-ters), and specify Y for option 8 in the Advanced menu.

Control-M/Agent for Microsoft Windows (versions earlier than 6.4.01)

Run the ctmagcfg utility, and specify Y for option 16 (SSL).

NOTE: Completing this step can save time if you have a large number of agents that work with Control-M/Server. If you skip this step, Control-M/Server automatically makes a one-time request to set the SSL parameter. This request requires between two and five minutes for each agent.

To configure a new agent, you can use Control-M Configuration Manager or ctm_menu.

You can set one or more Agents to SSL mode and other Agents to TCP mode. For example, you can use Control-M/Server to work with the majority of the agents it is connected to in SSL mode, and can connect to other agents in TCP mode.

When adding a Control-M/Agent to a Control-M/Server using Control-M Configuration Manager to configure the Control-M/Agent to work with SSL, click the down-arrow next to the Secure Socket Layer field. The values are:

Parent Topic

Configuring Control-M/Server and Control-M/Agent