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The ctmjsa utility compiles runtime data from the Statistical Details table and records it in the Statistics Summary table of the Control‑M/Server database. This utility must be run by a Control‑M/Server user.

To ensure that the Control-M/Server database contains current statistics on all jobs that are executed under Control-M, you should ensure that the ctmjsa utility runs on a daily basis. A partial cleanup of the Statistical Details table is performed by the New Day procedure.

Each time it is run, this utility:

Statistical data is only accumulated when the Control‑M system parameter Statistics is set to Y. Operational parameter Statistics Mode determines the mode to be used to compile summary statistics: JOBNAME or MEMNAME. The default is MEMNAME.

If the Statistics Mode parameter was changed from File name to JOBNAME or back since the last run of the ctmjsa utility, you can clean up the statistics from the previous mode by running the following command: ctmstats –delete. The Statistics Mode parameter can be changed through ctm_menu by choosing Parameter Customization Menu =>Advanced Communication and Operational Parameters =>Statistics Mode.

For more information about runtime statistical data, see the information about runtime statistics in Control-M Forecast parameters. To run the ctmjsa utility, see Running the ctmjsa utility.

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Control-M/Server utilities