
The ctmldnrs utility creates and loads the Manual Conditions file. This file contains prerequisite conditions that are required by jobs in the Active Jobs database but will not be added to the Conditions/Resources table without manual intervention. These conditions fall into two categories:

Prerequisite conditions in the Manual Conditions file can be made available to the system using the load option of ctmldnrs (see below), using the ctmcontb utility (see ctmcontb), using the Job prerequisites window, or using the WHY option in the job menu. To run the ctmldnrs, see Running the ctmldnrs utility.

The ctmldnrs utility identifies conditions that should be in the Manual Conditions file by searching for all prerequisite conditions required for submission of jobs on the particular day. The search for prerequisite conditions is performed by checking the In Conditions parameters of the job processing definitions for all jobs in the Active Jobs database. Then, the utility eliminates any "non‑manual" conditions that satisfy either of the following criteria:

Prerequisite conditions that do not meet the above criteria are assumed to be manual conditions and are placed in the Manual Conditions file. To load and create manual conditions file, see Loading prerequisite conditions from manual conditions file and Creating the manual conditions file.

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Control-M/Server utilities