Indicates whether the interval between runs of a cyclic job or until the start of a rerun job is measured from the start or the end of the previous job run.
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The interval between job runs is specified in the Interval parameter.
EXAMPLE: Calculate the interval between cyclic jobs when value is Start
Job_A is a cyclic job. The value specified for Interval is 60 seconds. The value is Start.
If Job_A job run takes 15 seconds, the next run of Job_A begins 45 seconds after the first run is complete.
EXAMPLE: Calculate the interval between cyclic jobs when value is End
Job_B is a cyclic job. The value specified for Interval is 60 seconds. The value is End.
When the Job_B job run is complete, the next run of Job_B begins 60 seconds after the first run is complete. The length of time that it takes to run Job_B does not affect the period of time between job runs.
EXAMPLE: Calculate the interval between cyclic jobs when value is Target
If a job’s first run is at 6 and then incremented by Interval of 2 hours this job will always run at 6, 8, 10, 12 ..
No matter how long the job's duration or when it ends or starts. If the job is not running at those intervals then it will start again.
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