The following table describes the Filter operators:
Operator |
Description |
Like |
Searches field values using regular expressions. EXAMPLE: Find Folder Name Like F*, finds all folder names starting with F. |
Not like |
Searches fields that exclude values using regular expressions such as *. EXAMPLE: Find Folder Name Not Like F*, excludes all folder names starting with F. |
Is Exactly |
Searches field values which are equal to the value provided (exact match, no wildcards or regular expressions). |
Is Not Exactly |
Searches field values that are not equal to the value provided (no wildcards or regular expressions). |
Starts with |
Searches field values that start with the value provided. Pattern-matching rules apply. Special characters such as ‘*’ are not processed as literals unless there is a backslash.
Ends with |
Searches field values that end with the value provided. Pattern-matching rules apply. |
Contains |
Searches field values that contain the substring (exact or pattern) provided. Pattern-matching rules apply. |
Does Not Contain |
Searches field values that do not contain the substring (exact or pattern) provided. Pattern-matching rules apply. |
Is empty |
Searches for fields that have no value (NULL or empty string). |
Is Not empty |
Searches for fields that have any value. |
< or < = or > or > = |
Searches for fields that are less than, less than and equal to, more than and more than and equal to the value. EXAMPLE: Search for Keep Active jobs > 5 days |
Parent Topic |