Install the relevant Control-M components and databases before beginning the language configuration and review the following considerations:
You will need to configure every configuration or UNIX account that runs:
BMC Batch Impact Manager
Batch Discovery
You must coordinate this effort across your enterprise. For example, the locale settings must be the same on every computer or UNIX account.
Conflicts between the locale settings on different computers and UNIX account, especially if the settings involve different character sets, can corrupt your data.
Observe these upgrade considerations:
Upgrading to Control-M version 8.0.00 does not automatically configure the database for ISO Latin-1 language support. (For information, see Upgrade.)
The upgrade procedures do not configure the database server that was created by a previous installation or user.
An MSSQL database server must be configured as case-sensitive when working with foreign languages. For more information, see Introduction to Control-M installation.
When Control-M/EM client components are first installed, the language is set according to the local settings of the computer. When Control-M/EM client components connect to the Control-M/EM Server the first time, Control-M/EM client language settings are automatically updated to match those of Control-M/EM server.
Language configuration for Application Plug-Ins is handled when Control‑M/Agent is configured for language support. Additional language configuration is not necessary for Application Plug-Ins.