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Configuring tasks for English support on Japanese Microsoft Windows

For Control-M components to communicate properly with each other, you must set the locale for all product components to the same value. Complete this task to set the locale and to configure the Windows command-prompt window.

Complete the task before product installation on any Microsoft Windows computer, that support Japanese, that will run components of the following products:

The method for setting the language locale varies according to the version of Windows that is installed. The steps described in this procedure are for Microsoft Windows XP

To configure tasks for English support on Japanese Microsoft Windows:

  1. Set the system locale and language settings to English before installing any of the associated Control-M components.
    1. From the Control Panel select Regional Options > Language Settings.
    2. To receive all messages in English, select Western Europe and United States.
    3. At Control Panel > Regional Options > Your locale (location), select English (USA).
  2. After installation, reconfigure your computer for work with a non-English language.

Parent Topic

Configuring English on Japanese-enabled systems