You define dependencies between jobs through the following:
An In Condition is usually associated with an Out Condition of a successful completion of predecessor job.
You can automatically create job dependencies by selecting a successor job, clicking and then connecting the successor job to the predecessor job. Both In and Out Conditions are automatically created. By default, the condition is deleted after the job ends, which eliminates clutter from active jobs even before the New Day process is run the following day. It is also useful if the job runs more than once (such as cyclic jobs or rerun jobs).
You can set job dependencies for jobs in the same Control-M/Servers or for jobs in different Control-M/servers.
EXAMPLE: A Job X has 3 In Conditions defined on an Order Date (A, B, and C).
Job X starts running only if In Conditions A, B, and C on the Order Date are in the Active Conditions list. After Job X Ends OK.
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