Agent configuration parameters

The following table lists the Agent configuration parameters.




(Agent-to-Server Port Number)

<Port number>/<Timeout> for the Agent-to-Server port.

Port number specifies the Server computer port that receives data from the agent computer. Verify that this port is not used for any other purpose. This value must match the Agent-to-Server Port Number in Control-M/Server. The Timeout value is the COMTIMOUT communication job-tracking timeout in seconds. Mandatory. Example: 7005/30. Note: Increasing the Timeout value reduces agent performance.

Valid values: Between 1024 and 65533 inclusive

Default: 7005


(Authorized Control-M/Server Hosts)

<one or more TCP/IP addresses or DNS names separated by |>. Each value identifies an authorized Control-M/Server host where a backup Control-M/Server is installed. (This parameter was previously called Mirror Control-M/Server Host Name.) Specify this parameter if one or more Control-M/Servers have been designated as backups and can connect to this agent in case of failover. For information about backup server configuration, see the Control-M Workload AutomationControl-M Administration. Mandatory. At least one primary host name should be specified. Example:||


(CTMS Address Mode)


If this parameter is set to IP, the IP address instead of the host name is saved in CTMS_HOSTNAME. Use this parameter when Control-M runs on a computer with more than one network card.


(Daily Log File Enabled)

Indicates if the ctmag_<year><month><day>.log file is generated (Y) or not (N).

Valid values: Y, N

Default: Y


Determines the number of days to wait before STATUS, PROCID, ONSTMT, RUNTIME and non-root files are deleted from the <Control-M/Agent_home> directory after an Agent or host malfunction occurred.


(Days To Retain Log Files)

Number of days to retain agent proclog files. After this period, agent proclog files are deleted by the New Day procedure.

Valid values: 1-99

Default: 1


(Foreign Language Support)

Determines Control-M mode of support for foreign languages.

Valid values: Latin-1, CJK

Default: Latin-1


(Listen to Network Interface)

The network interface the agent is listening on. It can be set to a specific hostname or IP address so that the agent port is not opened in the other interfaces.

Default: *ANY (the agent is listening on all available interfaces)


(Locale (LATIN-1 mode only))

(UNIX only) Determines the locale under which the agent processes run. Valid only when the agent is working in Latin-1 mode. Supported locales are specified in.


(Primary Control-M/Server Host)

Control-M/Server host name. Name of the primary host running Control-M/Server.


(Protocol version)

Server-Agent communication protocol version.

Valid values: 10 or lower.

Default: 10


(set the umask of the job process)

Controls the umask of the job process. This parameter affects all the jobs the agent runs. If used, it overrides any value specified in the job owner .cshrc or .profile files.

Valid values: Unused, 000, 002, 003, 007, 022, 023, 027, 033, 037, 077

Default: 022


(TCP/IP Timeout)

The COMTIMOUT communication job-tracking timeout in seconds.

When the value of ‘TCP/IP timeout’ is changed, using the configuration utility or CCM, the timeout part of the AGCMNDATA and ATCMNDATA parameters are changed.

Valid values: a number in the range 0-999999

Default: 120


(Convert Job Variables to Environment variables)

Flag that indicates whether all variables will be set as environment variables in the script.

Valid values: Y (yes), N (no)

Default: Y


(Timeout for Agent utilities)

Maximum time (in seconds) the agent waits after sending a request to Control-M/Server. This timeout interval should be longer than the TCP/IP Timeout.

Valid values: 120 (recommended)

Default: 120


(Tracker Event Port)

Number of the port for sending messages to the Tracker process when jobs end.

Valid values: 1025-65535


(Tracker Polling Interval)

Job Tracking Timeout. Tracker event timeout in seconds.

Valid values: 1-86400

Default: 120


<Port number>/<Timeout> for the Server-to-Agent port. Port number specifies agent computer port that receives data from the Server computer. Verify that this port is not used for any other purpose. Must match Server-to-Agent port number in Control‑M/Server. The timeout value is the COMTIMOUT communication job-tracking timeout in seconds. Mandatory. Example: 7006/30

Valid values: between 1024 and 65533 inclusive

Default: 7006


(UNIX only) Determines the Control-M/Agent mode.

Valid values:

  • root
  • agent owner username

    NOTE: Do not manually modify this parameter. The value of the parameter is set according to the user who is running the start-ag script.


(UNIX only) This parameter is read by the rc.agent_user startup script to determine whether the agent should be started.

Valid values:

  • Started
  • Stopped


(Allow Comm Init)

Determines if the agent can open a connection to the server when working in persistent connection mode.

Valid values: Y, N

Default: Y


Internal port used only when the agent is working in persistent connection mode. This port is selected by the installation, which validates that it is free. If this port is not free when the agent is started in persistent connection mode, or when it is shifted from transient to persistent during runtime, the agent automatically finds a new free port and updates the parameter accordingly.

Valid values: 1025-65535


Internal port used only when the agent is working in persistent connection mode. This port is selected by the installation, which validates that it is free. If this port is not free when the agent is started in persistent connection mode, or when it is shifted from transient to persistent during runtime, the agent automatically finds a new free port and updates the parameter accordingly.


Internal port used only when the agent is working in persistent connection mode. This port is selected by the installation, which validates that it is free. If this port is not free when the agent is started in persistent connection mode, or when it is shifted from transient to persistent during runtime, the agent will automatically find a new free port and update the parameter accordingly.

Valid values: 1025-65535


Default application plug-in.

Default: OS


List of Application Plug-Ins. For internal use only.

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support.


Flag indicating whether communication packets that Control‑M/Agent sends to and receives from Control-M/Server are written to a file. If set to 1, separate files are created for each session (job, ping, and so forth). This parameter can only be changed after completing the installation.

Valid values: 1 (on), 0 (off)

Default: 0 (off)


Flag specifying if all application plug-ins, not just the default application plug-in, should be able send messages to the Tracker process without waiting for the tracker polling interval. Messages are sent using the port specified in the Tracker Port parameter to inform the Tracker that a job ended.

Valid values:

  • Y = Use the Common Event Mechanism.
  • N = Do not use the Common Event mechanism. Only the default application plug-in can send messages directly to the Tracker process.

Default: Y


Determines if Control-M communication is secured using the SSL protocol.

Valid values: SSL=Y, SSL=N

Default: SSL=N


Time in seconds (integer value} to wait between each attempt to attach to the Control-M/Server.

Valid values: Any whole number equal to or greater than 1.

Default: 1


Control-M/Agent diagnostic level (for use by Technical Support). Determines types of diagnostic messages generated. This parameter is normally set to zero (no diagnostics).

Valid values: 0-4

Default: 0


(Maximum size of log file MB)

Maximum size (MB) of diagnostic log files for a process or a thread.

Valid values: 1 - 1000

NOTE: Restart the agent for the parameter to take effect.

Default: 10


(Number of log file versions)

Number of generations of diagnostic log information to keep for a process or a thread.

Valid values: 0 - 99

NOTE: Restart the agent for the parameter to take effect.

Default: 10


(Logical Agent Name)

Logical name of the agent. The value specified should match the name the agent is defined by in Control-M/Server. Where multiple agent names are defined in Control-M/Server, and all use the same server-to-agent port, server messages are sent to that agent.

The logical name is used when the agent initiates the communication to Control-M/Server with the output from agent utilities and in messages sent by the agent to the server.

Default: Agent host name

However, it can differ when either a cluster installation or the agent host name has aliases.


(Days To Retain Daily Log Files)

Determines the number of days to retain the files in the dailylog directory. These files contain the information about jobs that is used to calculate the metrics for the usage measurement report.

Valid values: 1-99

Default: 7 days


Enables Multiple Parallel Trackers

Valid values: Y|N

Default: Y

NOTE: In the previous versions it was one tracker process. If MULTITRACK_ENABLED=Y, multiple parallel trackers/processes enabled.


Determines the maximum number of tracker-workers that can run in parallel, in a normal situation of the tracker, that is, when there is no starvation. Starvation might occur either by a job that causes repeated tracker-worker crashes, or by a job that causes a tracker-worker to hang.

Valid values: 1-100

Default: 10


Determines the amount of time (in seconds) when a job is said to be tracker recently.

To avoid situations where a job is tracked by more than one tracker-worker in a short period of time, define a time interval, MULTITRACK_SKIP_INTERVAL, where a job is skipped by tracker-workers. Before a tracker-worker tracks a job, it checks if that job has recently been tracked, and if it is, the tracker-worker does not track it.

Valid values: 1-60

Default: 15


Determines the optimal ratio between the number of jobs and the number of tracker-workers. In a normal situation, the tracker spawns new tracker-workers if the number of jobs divided by the number of running tracker-workers (actual ratio) is more than this optimal ratio. It shuts down tracker-workers if the actual ratio is less than the optimal ratio.

Valid values: 5-300

Default: 30


Determines the amount of time (in seconds) a job may wait to be tracked before declared as starved.

Valid values: 30-300

Default: 120


The main tracker works in iterations. In each iteration it first waits for events that might be sent from completed jobs and track these jobs, and then searches for completed jobs that do not send events, and tracks them.

This parameter determines the amount of time (in seconds) the main tracker process waits for events. Tracker-workers work in the same manner, but still use the EVENT_TIMEOUT (tracker polling interval) for the time they wait for events.

Valid values: 10-240

Default: 30


Octal value indicating file access mode of the OUTPUT file. 777 indicates the highest level of access.

Valid values: Valid values are 600 640 644 660 664 666

Default: 600

Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: No


Octal value indicating file access mode of the OUTPUT file for non-root mode when the job owner is not the agent owner. 777 indicates the highest level of access.

Valid values: 660 664 666

Default: 660

Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: No


Determines if the agent is working in persistent or transient communication mode.

Valid values: Y, N

Default: N


Protocol for communication with CONTROL-M/Server. Value: TCP. Cannot be changed.


(Days To Retain Host Specification Files)

Determines the number of days to retain the files in the DATA\rhdetails directory. These files contain the CPU specifications for agent, remote hosts and application plug-in server hosts.

Valid values: 1-99


Uses SSH connection pool for SFTP operations with remote hosts.

Valid values: Y, N

Default: Y


Determines where the OUTPUT handling operations are performed on the remote host.

Valid values: Y, N

Default: N


(Download Output from Remote Host when job ends)

Determines whether the post processing actions of move, copy, or delete of the job OUTPUTs is performed from the remote host.

Valid values: Y, N

Default: N


Determines if the OUTPUT file is deleted from remote host computers.

Valid values: Y, N

Default: N


Specifies how many jobs can make use of a single connection. The connections are monitored and unused ones (connections with ended jobs) are released.

Valid values: 1 - 50. When set to 1, the Agent works as it does for Control-M/Agent 6.4.01.

Default: 10


The interval needed for a thread to monitor the connections and release unused ones.

Valid values: 1 - 30 minutes

Default: 10 minutes


Sets the amount of time, in minutes, to check the status of open connections.

Valid values: 1 - 30 minutes

Default: 10 minutes


(Interval between CPU samples (sec))

Interval in seconds between CPU samples, for calculating a single average CPU usage.

Valid values: 5-60 (seconds)

Default: 5 (seconds)


Uploads agent utilities to remote hosts.

Valid Values:

  • Disable: No support for remote utilities
  • Once: Uploads the files once unless it changed (ongoing mode)
  • Always: Uploads the files before each job (zero footprint mode)

Default: Disable


(Number of CPU samples for average CPU usage)

Number of CPU samples for calculating a single average CPU usage.

Valid values: 3-60 samples

Default: 3 samples


(Interval between CPU usage sync updates (min))

Periodic Heart Beat interval in minutes, after which CPU usage is reported to Control-M/Server, regardless of actual need to report it.

Valid values: 1-180 (minutes)

Default: 15 (minutes)


(Interval between CPU monitor operations (sec))

Sleep interval in seconds between successive CPU monitor operations.

Valid values: 15-3600 (seconds)

Default: 30 (seconds)


Determines whether the WMI remote host availability will be checked by TCP ping only (Y) or by checked both WMI and TCP (N).

Valid values: Y, N

Default: N


Set the time to wait for WMI events.

Valid values: Positive integer (milliseconds)

Default: 50000 (milliseconds)

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Control-M/Agent parameters