Control-M/EM parameters in the Defaults.rsc file

The following table lists the parameters located in the Defaults.rsc file.




Indicates how many job and resource details the gateway should load into memory at a time before saving the entities in the Control-M/EM database when performing a download from Control-M. A larger number causes the download to occur faster and more efficiently, at the expense of virtual memory.

Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 10.

Default: 100


Indicates how the new gateway handles multiple gateway instances for the same Control-M installation if all attempts to stop and kill the original gateway are unsuccessful.

Valid values:

  • Y- Both gateway occurrences are allowed to run concurrently. This is not recommended.
  • N- The original gateway continues in its "hung" state. The new gateway stops running.

Default: N


Valid values:Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so BMC Software Technical Support.





These parameters indicate the bulk size being used by the database access layer during bulk insert and choose SQL operation. Larger numbers cause the insert and choose SQL operations to occur faster and more efficiently, at the expense of virtual memory.

Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 10.


  • dal_select_min_bulksize: 10
  • dal_select_max_bulksize:
  • Sybase and Oracle: 50
  • MSSQL: 20
  • dal_insert_min_bulksize: 10
  • dal_insert_max_bulksize:
  • Sybase and Oracle: 100
  • MSSQL: 10


Indicates in which mode the gateway opens communication connections.

Valid values:

  • 1 - The gateway establishes connections in blocking mode.
  • 2 - The gateway establishes connections in non-blocking mode.


Timeout period, in seconds, for determining if the original gateway is responsive (up).

Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 20.

Default: 45


Indicates whether a new gateway stops or kills existing gateway instances for the same Control-M installation.

Valid values:

  • Y - The new gateway tries to kill the original gateway and, if successful, continues to run. If the original gateway cannot be killed, the new gateway handles the original gateway according to the continue_not_responding parameter.
  • N - The new gateway tries to stop the original gateway (using the ctl utility) and, if successful, continues to run. If the original gateway is not stopped after 3 attempts, the new gateway handles the original gateway according to the continue_not_responding parameter.

Default: N


If a gateway is in non-block mode and part of a message is not received during the number of seconds specified in this parameter, the gateway assumes communication is down.

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Software Customer Support

Default: 40.

This parameter is relevant only if the useNonBlock parameter is set to Y.


Indicates whether the gateway operates in blocking mode or non-blocking mode. This mode determines whether the gateway receives entire messages or parts of messages.

Valid values:

  • N - The gateway waits and receives for the entire message to arrive in blocking mode, regardless of length of time.
  • Y - The gateway receives parts of messages (non-blocking mode). Communication is assumed to be down if part of a message is not received within the time interval specified in the nonBlockTimeout field.

Default: N

Parent Topic

Control-M/EM system parameters