The following are forecastcli examples:
To know, on a daily basis, which services or jobs will be ordered on the following day, run the following command. The output files, services.csv and jobs.csv, list the services and jobs, indicating their run times and statuses.
forecastcli -u emuser -p empass -s emserv1 -odate +1 -job_info_file jobs.csv -service_info_file services.csv
The following command generates a forecast for February 17, 2009. The job information is written to the out.csv file.
forecastcli -u emuser -p empass -s emserv1 -odate 20090217 -job_info_file out.csv
The following command generates a forecast to obtain a list of the jobs that will run on all data centers with names beginning with "A" for February 17, 2009. The run times are not included in the output file in order to compare it to another job list forecasted for another date.
forecastcli -u emuser -p empass -s emserv1 -odate 20090217 -dc_name A* -job_info_file out.csv /hide_times
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