The following table describes the parameters of the forecastcli commands:
Parameter |
Description |
-u <user> |
Indicates the user name of the Control-M client. Required. |
-p <password> |
Indicates the password of the Control-M client. |
-pf <password_file> |
Indicates the password file name used instead of password. |
-s <server_name> |
Indicates the name of the Control-M/Enterprise Manager server. Required. |
-odate |
Indicates the forecast report date (or number of days from current date). Required. Valid values are: |
A specific working day in YYYYMMDD format. |
+n |
Number of days from current date. |
-scenario <name> |
Indicates the name of the forecast scenario that is applied to the forecast. |
-run_time |
Indicates type of run time that is used for the forecast. Valid values are: |
Avg |
Average (Default) |
Min |
Minimum |
Max |
Maximum |
-job_info_file <file_name> |
Indicates the file name where the job information output is saved. The output is in CSV format. Required. |
-service_info_file <file_name> |
Indicates the file name where the service information output is saved. The output is in CSV format. |
-hide_times |
The estimated job start and end time will not be printed in the job information output file. |
/? or /h |
Displays usage. |
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