The following are examples of the ctmudly utility commands:
Ordering a specific User Daily
The following command orders all Folders that are associated with the User Daily name, prod:
ctmudly prod
Ordering a User Daily for a specific time zone
The following command orders all Folders that are associated with the User daily name, Japan, with an order date of March 31, 2016. These jobs will not be run until that working day begins.
ctmudly -DAILY_NAME Japan -odate 20160331 -odate_option run_date
ctmudlst LIST "*"
ctmudlst UPDATE <user_daily> <date>
Ordering a User Daily that has a future date specified by using ctmudlst
To specify an ordering date for User Daily name, UD_ex1, at a future date, run the following command:
ctmudlst update UD_ex1 20170919
The following message is displayed:
success in updating the user daily name 'UD_ex1'
To order UD_ex1, issue the following command:
ctmudly UD_ex1
The following message is displayed:
User Daily: dates mixedup (LASTRUN, new odate)
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