Ordering jobs with a specific user daily name using the ctmudly utility

This procedure describes how to run the ctmudly utility, which enables you to order jobs whose folders are associated with a specific User Daily name.

To run the utility:

  1. Do one of the following:

    NOTE: You can also run this utility in Control-M Agent by navigating to where Control-M/Agent is installed.

  2. Type the following command:

    ctmudly -DAILY_NAME <User_Daily>

    [-odate {ODAT|<yyyymmdd>}]

    [-odate_option {value_date|run_date}]

  3. Check for messages issued when a job is not ordered.

    For more information about these messages, see ctmudly messages.

    For more information on ctmudly parameters, see ctmudly parameters.

Parent Topic

New day procedure and user dailies