The following table lists the copydefcal utility arguments file parameters:
Parameter |
Description |
The first two lines of the XML request file for this API request contain information that specifies the version of XML, the text encoding format being used, and the location of the .dtd file. |
These tags indicate the start and end of the COPYCAL argument. Only criteria that are located between the tags are considered to be part of the argument. |
Control‑M installation to which the calendar definition belongs. NOTE: The COPYCAL element must contain only one DATACENTER parameter. String. EXAMPLE: DATACENTER FROM="EM5NYC" TO="EM7NYC" |
FROM: Data center in which the source calendar is located. String. Mandatory. |
TO: Data center in which a calendar can be created. String. Optional. |
Defines the name of the calendar. NOTE: The COPYCAL element must contain only one CALENDAR parameter. EXAMPLE: CALENDAR FROM="Cal1" TO="Cal1_COPY" |
FROM: Defines the name of the calendar from which a copy is made. String. Mandatory. |
TO: Defines the name of the calendar copy. The copy retains the name of the original calendar if this attribute is not used. String. Optional. |
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