Running the ctmdbtrans utility in batch mode
This procedure describes how to run the ctmdbtrans utility in batch mode.
To run the utility in batch mode:
- Do one of the following:
- Log on to a Control-M for Databases account (UNIX)
- Open a command prompt window (Windows) where Control-M/EM is installed.
- For Windows client installations, open a command prompt window and navigate to the <EM Home>\Default\bin directory.
- Do one of the following:
- For Sybase databases, specify the DBA password in a file, and specify the following command:
ctmdbtrans < <fullPathFileName>
<fullPathFileName> is the full path to the file in which the DBA password is specified.
- For PostgreSQL, Oracle and MSSQL databases, enter the following command:
- For UNIX machines you can refresh transactions every given amount of time by specifying the sleep time parameter by entering the following command:
ctmdbtrans n (number in seconds)